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ramadan 2022

Texas MSAs have a lot planned this Ramadan!

Check out what's happening in your location!

Eid Gift Swap

MSA Lone Star Council

Join us for our annual Eid Gift Swap, where we match MSAers from across the country with a new friend for Eid!


The Ramadan Retreat

ISRA Foundation

In collaboration with Texas MSAs - Be a catalyst of change in this Ummah.

Friday, April 22nd - Sunday, April 24th



Dimassi's Iftar


On April 21st, UTSA will be having their collab Iftar with MENA/PSA at Dimassis’s at 7:30 PM. This event will be $13 and will be capped at 40 people so be sure to sign up as soon as you can! Payments and registration will be closing on April 15th.

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Leaders of Tomorrow

EPIC Youth

Join EPIC Youth on the evening of April 16th at the East Plano Islamic Center for an exciting night of MSA programs consisting of iftar and a session on leadership with Dr. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi and Imam Omar Suleiman!

Ramadan Gala



Welcoming all Alumni, MSA Members, and Community for UH MSAs first ever Gala! There will be many activities for the night as well as guest speakers, Iftar, and Taraweeh.


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MSA Orphan Drive

MSA Lone Star Council

We're pleased to partner up with Islamic Relief USA for our MSA Orphan Drive Initiative. Sponsoring an orphan only costs $1.50 to $2.00 a day, and by doing so you will help cover their essential needs such as their food, clothing, healthcare, and education. This is a very big opportunity for Sadaqa Jariyah, especially in the holy month of Ramadan. We will also be awarding the MSA that raises the most funds $500 to go towards future MSA events and projects.

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